Sunday, November 27, 2011

What On Earth...?

(No photos, no links today.  You've no doubt heard and seen it all!)

I simply cannot believe it!  Turn on the TV or log on to the computer this weekend, and you are assaulted with pictures and stories of unprecedented greed! 

Just a few hours after a day dedicated to thanksgiving for our true abundance, we hear about near-riots over $2 toasters, and of a woman who used pepper spray to keep fellow shoppers from grabbing the game console she coveted!  Shoppers have been shot, trampled, and mugged in parking lots as the head home with their spoil. 

Today, one of the online headlines asked, "Has Black Friday Gone Too Far?".  Do we really need to ask that question?  Is it not obvious?

Look, I realize that things are tough economically.  I lost my full time job last May.  I hardly see that as an excuse to endanger myself & my fellow humans in order to shop!  I have determined that we will give within our budget, and that is going to require some creativity on my part.  I accept that challenge.

I am just so distressed by this stuff!  I need to tune out most of the media for now.  Christmas music...yeah, that's the idea! 

I'm glad it's Sunday.  Heading for church in a couple of hours will help me to regain my joy, and to worship the "giver of all good things"!  I need it!

Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15 NIV


  1. Chris I am with you on this subject. Totally disgusted by the actions of the weekend. It truly breaks my heart that some of these folks even had their small children with them to witness the "madness".
    I would love to boycott the stores that participated in the "madness" but that would leave me from shopping just about anywhere. Soooooooo I'm gonna shop online and not cross the threshold of the bricks and mortar.

  2. I'm glad you pointed out that verse in the really do wonder about the world sometimes. I rarely watch the news...I think music sounds mucous better!!! Enjoy.


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