Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello Again!

It seems that my "hiatus" stretched far beyond May 1st, eh?  I want to sincerely thank those of you who stopped by to check up on me!  I did visit your blogs occasionally and even came here a few times intending to post.

But to tell you the truth, I couldn't really muster the gumption to begin.  Have you ever been in that place? 

I love blogging, but only if I can do it well.  I'm not referring to my own writing, I'm no "writer".  I'm a talker who puts those words on paper.  What I mean by doing blogging well, is to be a participant in and contributor to the community of my blogging friends.  I need to be able to post here, read other's blogs & comment consistently.  That's what I need, not necessarily what blogdom requires.

I have been so busy, that making that commitment has been pretty scary.  I am still working to build my Tupperware business, my husband had a serious episode of congestive heart failure (he's really good now) and I am serving in my church during a time of pastoral change.  Whew! 

However, the fact of the matter is, I miss being here and with all of you!  I have come realize that this blog, your blogs are a joyful part of my day.  We all need joy in our days. Sometimes when I write, it's a stream of consciousness kind of thing where I am actually working out something for myself.  I need that.  Other times, it is to share an idea, great find, post a glorious photo.  I need that. Visiting you all has enriched my life in so many ways. I need that.

I'm posting today as a new beginning.  I have challenged myself to get "with it" and reconnect with you all.  And, by doing so, get back in touch with myself.

Along with that challenge, I'm going to try to cut myself some slack.  I will post as often as I am able.  If sometimes there isn't a fab photo or awesome idea, just my thoughts for the day...that's okay too!

Today, I DO have something to share!  I found this "stamped curtain" project on the Lowes Creative Ideas project website. 

I am excited about this idea, because I've been looking at curtains with either bees or fleur de lys on them, but the prices have been ridiculous!  Now I have a method to transform my existing sheers.  Yay!

It's great to be back!


  1. I am SO happy to see you back Chris and to know that, although life is busy (which is really a good thing), and your hubby had some medical problems (so glad he's now well), you will be back in the old 'blogging fold' with us!

    Love the curtains - what a great idea. Looking forward to seeing your version some day.

    BTW, you ARE a very good writer dear! I always enjoy everything you have to share here, words and pics.

    I may be sporadic with posts myself in the coming months as I'm going to be traveling a lot - but I'll post when there is Internet available in the far reaches of the world!

    Big hugs, Mary

    P.S. Enjoy making the tags - it's simple and quick and a lot of fun.

  2. Welcome back! I think many of us have gone through the same feelings. Thanks for sharing the curtain idea, what a great way to save money!

  3. Welcome back. I returned some days ago for all the reasons you mentione, but for the life of me was unable myself to articulate. Balance. There just has to be some that's all.

    Thanks for the new idea. I'm checking it out.

    (Glad that your husband is doing well!)

  4. So good to see you back, Chris. Good post. I know I have really slowed down with all blogging activity...but sometimes you must. The curtain idea here looks lie a good one. If you make some, be sure to let us see!!!

  5. I'm so happy you are back Chris! I also have those times of wanting to take long breaks from blogging but NEED to express myself and NEED such wonderful people as yourself!! Looking forward to seeing more of you sweet Chris!

    Big hugs, Sherry


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